• by  • 9 January 2007 • Non classé

    Alan Moore en dévoile pas mal sur The Black Dossier, l’histoire de la League. Miam miam…

    And there is a 45 [RPM] vinyl single that is supposedly by a 1950s band on a 1950s American record label, both of which are fictitious, but which are taken from other sources. That’s part of the fun of The League, you know? The band is called “Eddie Enrico and His Hawaiian Hotshots,” which, I believe, were mentioned very briefly by Thomas Pynchon in his excellent The Crying of Lot 49. But it’s double-sided, it’s a single with two sides. One side of which is “Immortal Love,” and the other side of which is “Home with You,” which are kind of League-themed 1950s pop songs.
